banierre PV

Hi gays today i going to talk about a surveillance camera that is able to sent you an email with a picture capture when the pir sensor is activated. It is built with a ESP32 CAM.

 Following the main features: 

- Streaming video in rtsp mode for this i use library Micro-RTSP de geeksville. You will be able to use web server.

- You will be able to connect like me this camera on a synology NAS.

- Web setting page

- Email dating when the PIR sensor will be activate.

- Detect day and night.

-Static relay to activate a courtesy lamp.

- Interface web update.

With this object you can work in world of picture, web service, email, NTP server, and web update service.

You will be able to found all documentation to built one. For this it will be necessary to change one thing in Micro-RSTP library. 

I think it is possible to improve the fluidity and the box. Please share your improves. ;-)

Here last update files 



1-Using and setting

2-The technical datas

3-Parts use

4- Electrical drawings and PCB

5-3D box drawings


1-Using and setting:

When the camera is power on, it try to connect on the wifi. If it is not setting or there is no wifi. The camera creates a portal and a SSID InnoGreenTech. You hate to connect on it to set your wifi configuration

Memory the MAC address  with you will be able to found its ip address. For this you could use a ip scanner like  colasoft for example: 

présentation du SSID innogreentech

  Portail de configuration wifi

I advice to you to configure your wifi router with a reserve address for the camera, like this your camera will keep the same address. You can access  at the main page here:

There is a menu to set email or update your camera.

Page d'accueil de la Caméra ESP32-cam

There are two parts in setting page mail. The first is to set your email smtp server. The second is for the information. You can sent the email at any people, for this you need to separate mail addresses by ";". 

it is necessary to restart camera after.

Réglage des mails

 After the first flash it will be possible to update it by web with a fil.bin. You can create a file.bin since Export compiled binary  in Sketch in IDE arduino. The file will be in your folder of your project.

 A window with login appear, you can change name and password in the programme. After you will fill a form to update your connected camera.

logging pour update Formulaire de téléchargement du fichier update

It is possible to test your configuration on the main page with the button capture.

 2-Technical datas:

-Streaming MPEG protocol RTSP 

-Possibility to web access:



3-Parts use :


-Power supply  5 Volts 800 ma:

Alimentation 800ma

 -a light resistor

LDR 1000x750

 -A PIR sensor HC-SR501

HC SR501

 -A optocoupleur


 -Two protect fuses

Fuse 2amp-Two resistors 220 Ohms and a resistor 5000 Ohms

-Six connectors step 5,08 mm



 4-Drawing and PCB :

        I have done the drawing and PCB with , :

        - Download the project here: Projet Kicad de la caméra ESP32-CAM



Here you can find GCODE file to engrave PCB. Be carefull there is a mistake, i have inverted + and - on the 5V power. 

I create GCODE withe FlatCAM, it is a great sofware: : Ici les fichiers GCODE pour votre CNC

gravure pcb


5-3D box drawings :


 boitier camera



6-Programs  :

    .frame_size = FRAMESIZE_XGA, // needs 96K or even smaller FRAMESIZE_SVGA - can work if using only 1 fb
    //.frame_size = FRAMESIZE_SVGA,
    .jpeg_quality = 10, //0-63 lower numbers are higher quality
    .fb_count = 2// if more than one i2s runs in continous mode.  Use only with jpeg


Here the main program with setup.

    <ESP32-CAM contrl. This a camera with a PIR sensor. It can detect body and send a email>
    Copyright (C) <2019>  <Fabrice BAUDIN>

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


#include "OV2640.h"
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WebServer.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <TimeLib.h>
#include <NtpClientLib.h>
#include <ESP32_MailClient.h>
#include "SimStreamer.h"
#include "OV2640Streamer.h"
#include "CRtspSession.h"
#include "soc/soc.h"           // Disable brownour problems
#include "soc/rtc_cntl_reg.h"  // Disable brownour problems*

#include <EEPROM.h> // Gestion de la mémoire de type eeprom pour la sauvegarde des choix
#include <Update.h>

/* define memory adress */

#define ALARME_EEPROM   0   // Addresse de mémorisations des alarmes
#define NAME_MODULE     1   //Name of module
#define ADRESS_SERVER   22  // adress of server php
#define PORT_SERVER     43  // Port of server
#define PERIOD          50  // Period to send datas in seconds
#define MEM_SSID        70
#define MEM_PASSWORD    170

int           period;                // period to sent datas
char          name_module[20];       // name of module
String        ref_module = "camera";          // référence du module
String        version_module = "V1";      // version of module
char          ip_server[15];         // adress ip of the module
int unsigned  port_server;           // port of server
String        local_mac;             // adress mac of the module
String        local_ip;              // adress ip of module

byte movement = 0;
byte activation_alarmes = 0; // Mot utilisé pour l'activation des alarmes
byte alarmes_actives = 1;   // Drapeau d'une alarme active
byte enableServer = 1 ;     // Use to control if the parameters are good
String reception;             // Variable pour la réception sur le port série
int code;                     // Variable code pour l'échange d'information

int nbenvois = 0;         //nombre d'envoi de mail

unsigned long  lastmessage;         // heures d'envoi des derniers relevés
unsigned long  millisecondes;       // Intervalle des relevés en millisecondes
//int nb_cycle_lost_wifi=0;

String ssid = "";
String password = "";

/* Set web server */

WebServer server(80);

/* Set update server */

const char* update_path = "/firmware";
const char* update_username = "admin";
const char* update_password = "admin";

/* Set mail server */
#define MEM_USER_MAIL 200
#define MEM_SMTP_MAIL     320
#define MEM_PORT_MAIL     380
#define MEM_SENDER_MAIL   390
#define MEM_SUBJECT_MAIL  580
#define MEM_USER          640

SMTPData smtpData;

char user_mail[60] = "";
char user[60] = "";
char password_mail[60] = "";
char recipients_mail[230] = "";
char recipient_mail[60] = "";
char message_mail[500] = "";
char sender_mail[60] = "";
char smtp_mail[60] = "";
char port_mail[10] = "";
char subject_mail[60] = "";
int  portint;
int  freint;

void sendCallback(SendStatus info);

/*set cam*/

OV2640 cam;

/* set rtspServer */
WiFiServer rtspServer(8554);

/*Set PWM Light */
const int freq = 5000;
const int ledChannel = 0;
const int finess = 8;
const int light = 4;

void setup()

  WRITE_PERI_REG(RTC_CNTL_BROWN_OUT_REG, 0); //disable brownout detector
  // configure LED PWM functionalitites
  ledcSetup(ledChannel, freq, finess);

  // attach the channel to the GPIO to be controlled
  ledcAttachPin(light, ledChannel);

  pinMode(13, INPUT);
  pinMode(14, INPUT);
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
  //attachInterrupt(13, move_detect, RISING);

  EEPROM.begin(1024);                              // allocations  de 512 adresses Mémoires

  activation_alarmes =; // lecture du réglage des alarmes

  /* read connection configuration */

  char carac = '1'; // Name of module
  int a = 0;
  while (!(carac == '\0') && a < 20) {
    carac = char ( + a));
    reception += carac;
  if (reception == '\0' || a == 20) {
    reception = F("InnoGreenTech");
  int c = reception.length() + 1;                               // longueur de la chaîne de caractéres
  reception.toCharArray(name_module, c);

  reception = "";  // read memory ip adress server
  carac = '1';
  a = 0;
  while (!(carac == '\0') && a < 20) {
    carac = char ( + a));
    reception += carac;
  if (reception == '\0' || a == 20) {
    reception = F("InnoGreenTech");
    enableServer = 0;
  c = reception.length() + 1;
  reception.toCharArray(ip_server, c);

  byte mem[2];
  for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) {
    mem[a] = + a); // load the port server
  port_server = mem[0] | mem[1] << 8;

  for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) {
    mem[a] = + a); // load the time period
  period = mem[0] | mem[1] << 8;
  millisecondes = period * 1000;

  carac = '1';
  a = 0;
  while (!(carac == '\0') && a < 100) {
    carac = char ( + a));  //récupération du lien d'information
    if (!(carac == '\0')) {
      ssid += carac;
    } a++;
  if (ssid == '\0' || a > 50) {
    ssid = F("");

  carac = '1';
  a = 0;
  while (!(carac == '\0') && a < 100) {
    carac = char ( + a));  //récupération du lien d'information
    if (!(carac == '\0')) {
      password += carac;
    } a++;
  if (password == '\0' || a > 50) {
    password = F("");

  /* read mail configuration */

  reception = "";
  carac = '1';
  a = 0;
  while (!(carac == '\0') && a < 60) {
    carac = char ( + a));
    reception += carac;
  if (reception == '\0' || a == 60) {
    reception = F("This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.");
  c = reception.length() + 1;
  reception.toCharArray(user_mail, c);

  reception = "";
  carac = '1';
  a = 0;
  while (!(carac == '\0') && a < 60) {
    carac = char ( + a));
    reception += carac;
  if (reception == '\0' || a == 60) {
    reception = F("InnoGreenTech");
  c = reception.length() + 1;
  reception.toCharArray(user, c);

  reception = "";
  carac = '1';
  a = 0;
  while (!(carac == '\0') && a < 60) {
    carac = char ( + a));
    reception += carac;
  if (reception == '\0' || a == 60) {
    reception = F("****");
  c = reception.length() + 1;
  reception.toCharArray(password_mail, c);

  reception = "";
  carac = '1';
  a = 0;
  while (!(carac == '\0') && a < 60) {
    carac = char ( + a));
    reception += carac;
  if (reception == '\0' || a == 60) {
    reception = F("");
  c = reception.length() + 1;
  reception.toCharArray(smtp_mail, c);

  reception = "";
  carac = '1';
  a = 0;
  while (!(carac == '\0') && a < 230) {
    carac = char ( + a));  //
    reception += carac;
  if (reception == '\0' || a == 230) {
    reception = F("This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.");
  c = reception.length() + 1;
  reception.toCharArray(recipients_mail, c);

  reception = "";
  carac = '1';
  a = 0;
  while (!(carac == '\0') && a < 60) {
    carac = char ( + a));  //
    reception += carac;
  if (reception == '\0' || a == 60) {
    reception = F("This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.");
  c = reception.length() + 1;
  reception.toCharArray(sender_mail, c);

  reception = "";
  carac = '1';
  a = 0;
  while (!(carac == '\0') && a < 60) {
    carac = char ( + a));
    reception += carac;
  if (reception == '\0' || a == 60) {
    reception = F("Présence détectée"); //
  c = reception.length() + 1;
  reception.toCharArray(subject_mail, c);

  reception = "";
  carac = '1';
  a = 0;
  while (!(carac == '\0') && a < 4) {
    carac = char ( + a));
    reception += carac;
  if (reception == '\0' || a == 4) {
    reception = F("587");
  c = reception.length() + 1;
  reception.toCharArray(port_mail, c);
  portint = reception.toInt();

  while (!Serial)

    /* Start cam */

  /*Connexion wifi*/


  c = ssid.length() + 1;
  char char_ssid[50];
  ssid.toCharArray(char_ssid, c);

  c = password.length() + 1;
  char char_password[50];
  password.toCharArray(char_password, c);

  WiFi.begin(char_ssid, char_password);

  unsigned long time_out_connection = millis();
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
    if (millis() - time_out_connection > 20000)
      Serial.println F("");
      Serial.println F ("connection Wifi fail !");


  if ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) // Portail de connexion
    Serial.println F ("Open setting gate !");
    WiFi.softAP("InnoGreenTech", "innogreentech");
    server.on ( "/index.html", handleRoot );    // go to set up wifi page
    server.on ("/style.css", cssRoot);
    local_mac = WiFi.macAddress();




    Serial.print ( "IP address: " ); Serial.println ( WiFi.localIP() );

    /*Configuration de la synchronisation de l'heure */

    NTP.begin("", 1, true);  //configuration de la récupération de la date,  Serveur+1 heure, Heure été/hivers
    NTP.setInterval(3600);                // Toute les heures


    /*informations du module*/

    local_ip = WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str();
    local_mac = WiFi.macAddress(); 
    ref_module = "camera";
    version_module = "V1";

    Serial.print(F("référence:")); Serial.println(ref_module);
    Serial.print(F("Version:")); Serial.println(version_module);
    Serial.print(F("Adresse IP:")); Serial.println(local_ip);
    Serial.print(F("Adresse MAC:")); Serial.println(local_mac);

    /* Configuration du serveur Web */

    server.on ( "/index.html", indexRoot );    // Renvoi à la page de index
    server.on ( "/", indexRoot );    // Renvoi à la page de index
    //server.on ( "/add_module.csv", add_module );    // Page to add or modify  module by php server
    server.on ( "/set_mail.html", set_mail );    // Page to set mail configuration
    server.on ("/style.css", cssRoot);     // envoi au fichier de configuration de style

    /*return index page which is stored in serverIndex */
    server.on("/firmware", HTTP_GET, update_login);
    server.on("/serverIndex", HTTP_GET, update_index);

    /*handling uploading firmware file */

    server.on("/update", HTTP_POST, update_error, update_file);

CStreamer *streamer;
CRtspSession *session;
WiFiClient client;

void loop()


  /* Gest detection movement*/
  if (digitalRead(14) and (digitalRead(13) | digitalRead(2) ))
    ledcWrite(ledChannel, 5);
    digitalWrite(2, 1);
  else {
    ledcWrite(ledChannel, 0);
    digitalWrite(2, 0);
  if (!digitalRead(14))
    alarmes_actives = 0;
  if (digitalRead(14) == 1 and alarmes_actives == 0 and activation_alarmes == 1)
    Serial.println("Envoi d'une image");
    alarmes_actives = 1;

  uint32_t msecPerFrame = 200;
  static uint32_t lastimage = millis();

  // If we have an active client connection, just service that until gone
  // (FIXME - support multiple simultaneous clients)
  if (session) {
    session->handleRequests(0); // we don't use a timeout here,
    // instead we send only if we have new enough frames

    uint32_t now = millis();
    if (now > lastimage + msecPerFrame || now < lastimage) { // handle clock rollover
      lastimage = now;

      // check if we are overrunning our max frame rate
      now = millis();
      if (now > lastimage + msecPerFrame)
        printf("warning exceeding max frame rate of %d ms\n", now - lastimage);

    if (session->m_stopped) {
      delete session;
      delete streamer;
      session = NULL;
      streamer = NULL;
  else {
    client = rtspServer.accept();

    if (client) {
      //streamer = new SimStreamer(&client, true);             // our streamer for UDP/TCP based RTP transport
      streamer = new OV2640Streamer(&client, cam);             // our streamer for UDP/TCP based RTP transport
      session = new CRtspSession(&client, streamer); // our threads RTSP session and state


void move_detect() 


      CSS for the web pages:

void cssRoot(){
   server.send ( 200, "text/css", cssPage() );   // envoi de la page

String cssPage(){

String page =F("body{display: flex;flex-direction: row;font-family: Arial,sans-serif;color: rgb(72,11,08);}");
       page +=F("h1{text-align: center;font-size: 1.5em; font-weight: bold;}");
       page +=F("h2{text-align: center;font-size: 0.9em;font-weight: bold;}");
       page +=F("h3{text-align: center;font-size: 0.8em;font-weight: bold;}");
       page +=F("#menu li{display: block;}");
       page +=F("#menu{display: flex;flex-direction: column;align-content: space-between;}");
       page +=F("nav li{background-color: rgb(211,218,234);padding: 3px;margin: 5px;border-radius: 10px;box-shadow: 6PX 6PX 6PX silver;}");
       page +=F("nav a{font-size: 1.5em;font-weight: bold;text-decoration: none;color: rgb(72,11,08);}");
       page +=F("#page{width:88%;display: flex;flex-direction: column;}");
       page +=F("header{padding: 2%;margin: 1%;background-color: rgb(211,218,234);border-radius: 10px;box-shadow: 6PX 6PX 6PX silver;}");
       page +=F("#corp{ display: flex;flex-direction: row;flex-wrap: wrap;}");
       page +=F("footer a{color: rgb(148,58,61);}");     
       page +=F("section {width:44%; display: block; background-color:rgb(211,218,234);; padding:2%;margin:1%; border-radius:10px; box-shadow:6PX 6PX 6PX silver;}");
       page +=F("footer{margin:auto;}");     
       page +=F("ul{list-style-type: none;}");
       page +=F("form{text-align: center;}");
       page +=F("@media all and  (orientation: portrait){body{flex-direction: column;} #corp{flex-direction:column;} section{width: 94%;} #menu{display: flex;flex-direction: row;flex-wrap: wrap;justify-content: space-around;}}");
       //page +=F("@media all and  (max-device-width: 480px){body{flex-direction: column;} #corp{flex-direction:column;} section{width: 94%;} #menu{display: flex;flex-direction: row;flex-wrap: wrap;justify-content: space-around;}}");

return page;


          Main page of the web service:

void indexRoot(){
              if ( server.hasArg("envoi")) 
               server.send ( 200, "text/html", indexPage() );   // envoi de la page

String indexPage(){
                    String page =F("<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=fr-FR> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'><link rel='stylesheet'type='text/css'href='style.css'><title>Caméra de surveillance</title></head>");
                           page +=F("<body>");
                           page +=F("<nav> <ul id='menu'><li><a href='index.html'> Accueil </a></li><li><a href='firmware'> Update </a></li><li><a href='set_mail.html'> Mails </a> </li></ul></nav>");
                           page +=F("<div id='page'>");
                           page +=F("<header><h1>Caméra de surveillance </h1></header>");
                           page +=F("<div id='corp'>");
                           page +=F("<section id='datedujour'><h2>");
                           page +=NTP.getDateStr();
                           page +=F("</h2><h3>");
                           page +=NTP.getTimeStr();
                           page +=F("</h3>");
                           page +=F("<ul><li>Serveur:");
                           page +=ip_server;
                           page +=F("</li><li> Port serveur:");
                           page +=port_server;
                           page +=F("</li><li> Adresse MAC:");
                           page +=local_mac;
                           page +=F("</li><li> Version:");
                           page +=version_module;
                           page +=F("</li></ul></section>");
                           page +=F("<section id='capteur1'><h2> Envoi capture par mail</h2><ul>");
                           page +=F("<li><form method='get'><input type='hidden' name='envoi' value='1'/><input type='submit' value='capture'/>");                      
                           page +=F("</form></li></ul></section>");
                           page +=F("</div>");
                           page +=F("<footer><a href=''>InnoGreenTech </a><a href='mailto: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.'>Contactez moi</a></footer>");
                           page +=F("</div></body></html>");                  
                           return page;

         Program to send a email:

void send_mail(){

      /*set configuration of mail*/

      /*Create the Body of the mail*/

      String corp=F("<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset=''utf-8'/></head><body>");
      corp +=F("<p>Bonjour</p>");
      corp +=F("<p>Une présence a été détectée :</p>");
      corp +=F("<ul>");
      corp +=F("<li>Date: "); corp +=NTP.getDateStr();corp +=F(" </li>");
      corp +=F("<li>Heure: "); corp +=NTP.getTimeStr();corp +=F(" </li>");
      corp +=F("</ul>");
      corp+=F("<a href=''>InnoGreenTech</a></body></html>"); 
      int y = corp.length() + 1;


     /* Add every recipients */ 

      char c='1';  
      int a=0;
      int b=0;
      while (!( c=='\0')&&a<250){
                                if (c==';'||c=='\0'){
                                else {   
    /* Add picture of the camera */;
     smtpData.addAttachData("capture.jpeg", "image/jpeg", cam.getfb(), cam.getSize());

   /*send email and clear memory*/
      if (!MailClient.sendMail(smtpData))
      Serial.println("Error sending Email, " + MailClient.smtpErrorReason());

void sendCallback(SendStatus msg)
  //Print the current status

  //Do something when complete
  if (msg.success())


        Portal of configuration wifi InnoGreenTech

void handleRoot(){ 

      /* Pour réglage SSID */
      if ( server.hasArg("SSID") ) {       // si reception 
      int c = ssid.length() + 1;         // longueur de la chaîne de caractéres
      for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { 
                                  EEPROM.write((i+MEM_SSID),ssid[i]);  // Réglage du pointeur sur l'adresse mémoire

      /*if ( server.hasArg("set_temp") ) {       // si reception 
      int c = ssid.length() + 1;         // longueur de la chaîne de caractéres
      for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { 
                                  EEPROM.write((i+MEM_SET_TEMP),ssid[i]);  // Réglage du pointeur sur l'adresse mémoire
      } */
      if ( server.hasArg("PASSWORD") ) {       // si reception 
      int c = password.length() + 1;         // longueur de la chaîne de caractéres
      for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { 
                                  EEPROM.write((i+MEM_PASSWORD),password[i]);  // Réglage du pointeur sur l'adresse mémoire
             EEPROM.commit();     // Enregistrement dnas la mémoire flash
             delay (500);
       server.send ( 200, "text/html", page_handleroot() );   // envoi de la page

String page_handleroot(){
  String page =F("<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=fr-FR> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'><link rel='stylesheet'type='text/css'href='style.css'><title>Afficheur</title></head>"); 
         page +=F("<body>");

         page +=F("<section id='configuration'>");
         page +=F("<h2> Configuration de la connexion wifi</h2>"); 
         page +=F("<form method='get' accept='' >");

         page +=F("<p>adresse MAC: ");
         page +=local_mac;
         page +=F("<p/>");
         page +=F("<br/>");
         page +=F("<br/>");
         page += F("<label>SSID: </label><br/>");
         page += F("<input type='texte' name='SSID' id='SSID' maxlength='45' value='");page +=ssid; page +=F("' />");
         page +=F("<br/>");
         page +=F("<br/>");
         page += F("<label>Password: <br/></label>");
         page += F("<input type='password' name='PASSWORD' id='PASSWORD' maxlength='45' />");
         page +=F("<br/>");
         page +=F("<br/>"); 
         page += F("<input type='submit'  value='Envoi'>");
         page += F("</p>");
         page += F("</form>");
         page += F("</section>");
         page +=F("</div>");
         page +=F("<footer><a href=''>InnoGreenTech</a><br/><a href='mailto: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.'>Contactez moi</a></footer>");
         page +=F("</div></body></html>");

return page;

        Page to set configuration of smtp server.

void set_mail() {

  /* active alarm mail */
  if ( server.hasArg("MAIL") ) {       
      if (reception.equals("1")) {activation_alarmes=1;}
      else {activation_alarmes=0;}                 
      EEPROM.write(ALARME_EEPROM, activation_alarmes);

  /* mail sender setting */
  if ( server.hasArg("MAILEXP") ) {       
    reception = server.arg("MAILEXP");
    int c = reception.length() + 1; 
    reception.toCharArray(sender_mail, c);        
    for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { 

  /* Password mail setting */
  if ( server.hasArg("PW") ) {              
     reception= server.arg("PW");
     int c = reception.length() + 1;         
     reception.toCharArray(password_mail, c);
     for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { 

  /* SMTP mail setting */

  if ( server.hasArg("SMTP") ) {       
     reception= server.arg("SMTP");
     int c = reception.length() + 1;        
     reception.toCharArray(smtp_mail, c);
     for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { 

  /* PORT mail setting */

  if ( server.hasArg("PORT") ) {      
    reception = server.arg("PORT");
    int c = reception.length() + 1; 
    reception.toCharArray(port_mail, c);
    for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { 

    /* User mail setting */
  if ( server.hasArg("USER") ) {       
     reception= server.arg("USER");
     int c = reception.length() + 1;         
     reception.toCharArray(user, c);
     for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { 
  /* Recipients setting */
  if ( server.hasArg("MAILDEST") ) {       // si reception
    reception = server.arg("MAILDEST");
    int c = reception.length() + 1; 
    reception.toCharArray(recipients_mail, c);        
    for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { 

  /* Subject setting */
  if ( server.hasArg("MAILOBJ") ) {       
    reception = server.arg("MAILOBJ");
    int c = reception.length() + 1; 
    reception.toCharArray(subject_mail, c);        
    for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { 

    EEPROM.commit();     // Enregistrement

  server.send ( 200, "text/html", mailPage() ); 

String mailPage() {
  String  page =F("<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=fr-FR> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'><link rel='stylesheet'type='text/css'href='style.css'><title>Caméra de surveillance</title></head>");
          page += F("<body>");
          page += F("<nav><ul id='menu'><li><a href='index.html'> Accueil </a></li><li><a href='firmware'> Update </a> </li><li><a href='set_mail'> Mails </a> </li></ul></nav>");
          page += F("<div id='page'><header><h1>Réglage des mails</h1></header>");
          page += F("<div id='corp'><section id='serveur'><h2> Serveur d'envoi</h2><form method='post' accept='' ><p>");
          page += F("<label>Activation des alarmes</label>");
          page += F("<input type='radio' name='MAIL'  value='1' required />");
          page += F("<br/>");
          page += F("<br/>");
          page += F("<label>Désactivations des alarmes</label>");
          page += F("<input type='radio' name='MAIL'  value='0' />");
          page += F("<br/>");
          page += F("<br/>");
          page += F("<label>Mail boîte d'envoi</label>");
          page += F("<input type='mail' name='MAILEXP' id='MAILEXP' value='");page +=user_mail; page +=F("' maxlength='60'/>");
          page += F("<br/>");
          page += F("<br/>");
          page += F("<label>Mots de passe:</label>");
          page += F("<input type='password' name='PW' id='PW' maxlength='60'required/>");
          page += F("<br/>");
          page += F("<br/>");
          page += F("<label>Serveur SMTP:</label>");
          page += F("<input type='text' name='SMTP'value='");page +=smtp_mail; page +=F("' id='SMTP'maxlength='60'/>");
          page += F("<br/>");
          page += F("<br/>");
          page += F("<label>Port:</label>");
          page += F("<input type='number' name='PORT' id='PORT' max='1000' value=' ");page +=port_mail; page +=F("'/>");
          page += F("<br/>");
          page += F("<br/>");
          page += F("<input type='submit'  value='Envoi'>");
          page += F("</p>");
          page += F("</form>");
          page += F("</section>");
          page += F("<section id='Destinataire'>");
          page += F("<h2> Destinataires:</h2>");
          page += F("<form method='post' accept='' >");
          page += F("<p>");
          page += F("<label>Nom de l'expéditeur:</label>");
          page += F("<input type='text' name='USER' id='USER' value='");page +=user; page +=F(" ' maxlength='60' />");
          page += F("<br/>");
          page += F("<br/>");
          page += F("<label>Destinataires:</label>");
          page += F("<input type='mail' name='MAILDEST' id='MAILDEST' value='");page +=recipients_mail; page +=F(" ' maxlength='230' />");
          page += F("<br/>");
          page += F("<br/>");
          page += F("<label>Objet:</label>");
          page += F("<input type='mail' name='MAILOBJ' id='MAILOBJ' value='");page +=subject_mail; page +=F(" ' maxlength='60' />");
          page += F("<br/>");
          page += F("<br/>");
          page += F("<input type='submit'  value='Envoi'>");
          page += F("</p>");
          page += F("</form>");
          page += F("</section>");
          page += F("</div>");
          page += F("<footer>");
          page += F("<a href=''>InnoGreenTech </a>");
          page += F("<a href='mailto: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.'>Contactez moi</a>");
          page += F("</footer>");
          page += F("</div>");
          page += F("</body>");
          page += F("</html>");

  return page;

       Program to update by web interface the modul

void update_login()
  const char* loginIndex = 
 "<form name='loginForm'>"
    "<table width='20%' bgcolor='A09F9F' align='center'>"
            "<td colspan=2>"
                "<center><font size=4><b>ESP32 Login Page</b></font></center>"
        "<td><input type='text' size=25 name='userid'><br></td>"
            "<td><input type='Password' size=25 name='pwd'><br></td>"
            "<td><input type='submit' onclick='check(this.form)' value='Login'></td>"
    "function check(form)"
    "if(form.userid.value=='admin' && form.pwd.value=='admin')"
    " alert('Error Password or Username')/*displays error message*/"

server.sendHeader("Connection", "close");
server.send ( 200, "text/html", loginIndex );
 * Server Index Page
void update_index()
const char* serverIndex = 
"<script src=''></script>"
"<form method='POST' action='#' enctype='multipart/form-data' id='upload_form'>"
   "<input type='file' name='update'>"
        "<input type='submit' value='Update'>"
 "<div id='prg'>progress: 0%</div>"
  "var form = $('#upload_form')[0];"
  "var data = new FormData(form);"
  " $.ajax({"
  "url: '/update',"
  "type: 'POST',"
  "data: data,"
  "contentType: false,"
  "xhr: function() {"
  "var xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest();"
  "xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(evt) {"
  "if (evt.lengthComputable) {"
  "var per = evt.loaded /;"
  "$('#prg').html('progress: ' + Math.round(per*100) + '%');"
  "}, false);"
  "return xhr;"
  "success:function(d, s) {"
 "error: function (a, b, c) {"
server.sendHeader("Connection", "close");
 server.send(200, "text/html", serverIndex);
void update_error()
                server.sendHeader("Connection", "close");
                server.send(200, "text/plain", (Update.hasError()) ? "FAIL" : "OK");

void update_file()

                  HTTPUpload& upload = server.upload();
                  if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START) {
                  Serial.printf("Update: %s\n", upload.filename.c_str());
                  if (!Update.begin(UPDATE_SIZE_UNKNOWN)) { //start with max available size
                } else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE) {
                  /* flashing firmware to ESP*/
                  if (Update.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize) != upload.currentSize) {
                } else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END) {
                  if (Update.end(true)) { //true to set the size to the current progress
                    Serial.printf("Update Success: %u\nRebooting...\n", upload.totalSize);
                  } else {


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